If any individual were to contact you and promise you a job, claiming to be associated with Hemalatha K Alexander, RCIC or Alexander Immigration Services – BEWARE!!!
They are not associated with me, or my consulting firm and those associated are clearly indicated in the Contacts page of our website http://www.alexanderimmigration.ca/contact-us.php.
As evident in our home page we do not obtain jobs and provide immigration services only. We will further never ask you to transfer funds to a bank account without an official invoice or a retainer agreement, communicated through our official email id info@alexanderimmigration.ca.
It is your hard earned savings- please do not lose your money to scammers who promise fake jobs.
Remember that only Authorized Representatives are permitted to assist you in your immigration applications. Make sure to look up your authorized representative on the ICCRC website (https://iccrc-crcic.ca/find-a-professional/) and use the contact information provided on that platform to contact your potential RCIC to be sure you are dealing with the correct individual.
Thank you to the diligent client who bought this ongoing scam to our attention.